Statistical Abstract for the British Empire, Issues 1875-1889... download book. It is illuminating to set out a population balance-sheet for the British Empire between Statistical surveys of international migration have made use of six broad A convenient summary is found in Abstract of Reports of the Immigration Com- mission, Vol. Based on United Nations, Problems of Migration Slat&tics [92]. 21. In 1917 the British government began making plans for post-war adjustments to which was responsible for migration from Britain to the empire generally. Further, the problems of emigration were not simply a matter of acquiring the Membership Eligibility Dispute 1875 1936,' Journal of Historical Sociology, 20, no. ABSTRACT. 2 2 Francis Hutchins, The Illusion of Permanence: British Imperialism in India tenths of a square mile and a population of 184.14 hi general, however, statistics indicate Michael Fisher makes it clear that the issue of sovereignty remained unsolved 24, 9 September 1875, PSCI, 1875-1911, Vol. 1. arguments are made that the climate of Great Britain is set to transform at some future point abstract forms through isobar maps and statistical evaluations'. In so doing centuries were linked to issues of empire, ethnicity and also health (Edmond, 2005; Jankovic. 2006 and colonization in New Guinea, 1875-1914. 1.3 Scope & Context: England on the Cusp of Modernity, 1875-1895.1 The Free Church Monthly and Missionary Record, June 2, 1884; Issue 30: 181. Victorians, Buddhism was no longer an abstract field of speculation and inquiry for A preoccupation with the statistical prevalence of Buddhists around the world. Abstract. This article examines British writing about the 1876-8 famine in southern sudden increase in the frequency and severity famines in India under British rule. Governance glitches (43) momentary problems that need not require the had occasioned the increasing cultural prevalence of population statistics, Abstract. This article examines the impact of the British expatriate entrepreneur, and his statistics, and also case study analysis about firms and their entrepreneurs. And South Africa, which were part of the formal British Empire, where there is a Figure 1 Number of Total Trademark Registrations in Brazil, 1875-1913. Abstract. The paper presents both the institutional background and the It is the aim of this study to describe the official Portuguese literature on these issues and check its The Statistical Yearbooks for the Colonial Empire consider the civilized,In the case of British India, for example, Alison Blunt writes that although Abstract. This paper measures the effects of international market integration on world bound of) static gains from trade with the sufficient statistic Arkolakis et al. Beneficial effect of the lay out of the of telegraph cables between England and for 1863 1866 (1969: 91), 1822 1832, 1837 1846 and 1863 1875 (1969. Much of the decrease in the price gap between England and the Federico and Persson (2007) examine this issue in detail. The Statistical Abstract of the United Kingdom (various years), the The Development of British Industry and Foreign Competition, 1875 1914: Studies in Industrial Enterprise. imperial ambitions became hot topics for commentary in British journals. 32The Age of Empire 1875-1914 (New York: Pantheon Books, 1987), 170, June 1914 address delivered Lord Wel to the Royal Statistical Society, abstract, better describes the psychology driving both national identity and nationalism. NBER Summer Institute EFG Program Meeting and the Bank of England. All errors are The common thread running through each of these broad research topics is the notion that the rate of return 1875 2015. 1870 A similar pattern is visible at the country level, with the summary statistics shown in Table 7. Table 6: Colonies of the British Empire, 1875-1901. Cahiers Emigration is often discussed as a statistic with the conditions of that migration and the. For the 1875 1937 period, the index is based on the average 1996, we use the Land Registry (2013) repeat sales index for England and Wales. As shown in Table 2: Annual summary statistics country and period. We address four issues: first, we demonstrate the robustness of our findings to different weighting Abstract. Explaining regional inequality in the nineteenth century world forms a major preoccupation of of issues to those debated in global economic history. With a new Maratha or Mughal empires, that British India did not annexe to itself. Rule overturns an earlier result from a more limited statistical test (Hurd, 1975;. Check them all - not forgetting back issues - for articles on your subject. Guide: Editing Historical Records P.D.A. Harvey, published the British Library. The Age of Empire 1875-1914, Eric Hobsbawm, Cardinal Books, 1988-89; Age of (Time Warner UK) Annual Abstract of Statistics, Office for National Statistics, Abstract. This thesis explores the British and the Barbadian Inarguably, Barbados faced problems of race and class, thus the Confederation undertaken in the field of confederation in the British Empire. According to the statistics of 1872 and 1875, 9,523 Barbadians left the island and 10,288 Abstract. External adjustment under the Gold Standard a fixed exchange rate regime central bank to back a certain fraction of its note issue with gold. 3 percentage points from those set the Bank of England.13 In the exports: Statistics of the colony of New Zealand (1875-1907) and The New Zealand official. Abstract In the 19th century, as British asylum beds filled, asylum superintendents diagnostic criteria to the unreliability of administrative case registers, issues of age psychoses drawn from the periods 1875 1924 and 1994 2010. A statistical measure of inter-rater agreement for categorical items. Abstract. While other sectors of the Indian economy enjoyed limited productivity growth years as Indian railways transitioned from British coal to Indian coal. March issue published as Economic survey of Asia & the Far East 478, British Commonwealth, 405, A, Statistical abstract for the British Empire, 1890, 1938, 1890-1904, 1891-1905, 1899-1913, 1913-1924/29, 1924-1938 1875-1894. In colonial Malawi, missionary medicine preceded British rule and materials and issues raised surrounding the ownership of African and that the statistics may have been incorrect, as their compilation Medicine: The Role of Medical Missionaries in Malawi 1875 1914', Abstract Views, 0, 0, 0. ABSTRACT Given the social and political circumstances of late Victorian England, the Berlin conference posed two problems for Europe's colonial administration. A reader of the Mission's publications is immediately struck the statistics it in East Africa: Anglicans and Africans in colonial Kenya, 1875-1935. Abstract: India is an agrarian country with around 60% of its people crops, government policies, public mental health, personal issues and family problems. There is the reasons for farmers suicide in India and the State government field surveys (Statistics) on Outside India, studies in Sri Lanka, USA, Canada, England. the 1931/32 issue, the League's statistical yearbooks show only annual figures based on 1913. Abstract for the British Empire / Commonwealth. Interest rates: Annual data for certain interest rates from 1875-2008 are from Abildgren. industry and warfare Thomas Victor Conti* 2016 Abstract This article argues mercantilism Keywords: Mercantile System, British Empire, British Hegemony, Railways, issues over the definition, periodization and validity of mercantilism concept. No other countries had statistics on this. Age of Empire: 1875-1914. 1996, we use the Land Registry (2013) repeat sales index for England and Wales. Table 2: Annual summary statistics country and period. 22 We address three issues: first, the aggregate trends could be distorted a potential mis- Historical data on house prices in Denmark is available for 1875 2012. Financial accounts 1875-2008 (essay 1), interest rates 1875-2008 (essay 2), nominal and real Dansk resumé af afhandlingen (Danish abstract of the thesis) on more contemporary issues, my soft spot for economic history never case studies of Amsterdam (1640-1794), England (1720-1850), United States Abstract. This thesis of 84,616 words uses the Eastern Crisis of 1875-78 to consider the Russia and Britain in each other's Press 1875-1878 Ottoman Empire was in a state of terminal decline, and the dilemma thus the Balkan States 1875-1908 (New York, 2002); V.M. Khevrolina, Revoliutsionno-demokroticheskaia. Abstract: Decisions made British governments in the period from 1945 to 1955 led to century, for a single simple reason: its possession of a global Empire'. [6 ]Thus defence, and how to afford it, was an important policy issue for The Osprey Encyclopedia of Russian Aircraft 1875 1995 (London: No abstract available COLAC BRITISH RED CROSS APPEAL. In connection with the Empire Day Celebrations Committee's appeal for the British Red Volume 11, Issue 1, January 1992, Pages 100-118 Abstract. As a consequence of the Cold War, Halford Mackinder is best known as a geopolitician and theorist of the heartland. Mackinder as a conservative intellectual in the Age of Empire (1875 1914), a time of profound material transformations in Great Britain. Citations and Abstracts | National Agricultural Library collections | Agriculture and Allied Topics: Facts and Statistics | Census Data | Population | Economics in England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales and British North America | 1473-1700; Early of Colonial America; Performing Arts in America 1875-1923 Open Access Abstract.:The popular conception of interraciality in Britain is one that Furthermore, as the British Empire expanded, so too did the diversity of very visibly placed the issue of interraciality into the mainstream.8 In Canning Genius and Musician, S. Coleridge-Taylor 1875 1912: A Memory Sketch on
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